The C.I.H.F
The C.I.H.F. was founded July 5, 1979 in Calgary, Alberta. Gunnar Bjarnasson represented Iceland at the meeting and was appointed Honorary President of the C.I.H.F., a position he held with each European member organization. Canadian National Livestock Records (now known as the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation or CLRC) officially recognized our Federation July 26, 1983. Effective January 1999 there were 1320 purebred Icelandic horses registered through CLRC, which maintains the registries of most purebred livestock breeds in Canada. The Canadian Icelandic Horse Federation joined F.E.I.F. the Federation of European Friends of the Icelandic Horse in 1984 and has participated at World Championships since 1985.
The Federation shall have for its objectives:
The encouragement, development and regulation of the Icelandic horse in Canada.
To keep record of breeding and registration of Icelandic horses under the Canadian National Livestock Record system.
To promote the awareness and secure the integrity of purebred Icelandic horses.
To promote, encourage and assist in livestock exhibitions and fairs, and offer grants and contribute prizes for such purposes which shall be limited to registered Icelandic horses.
The Global Database for
Icelandic Horses
WorldFengur is the studbook of origin for the Icelandic horse. It is a web database program, which opens access to a database containing information on Icelandic horses in the membership countries of the FEIF (International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations).
WorldFengur Access: All CIHF members are provided with their own code to access World Fengur. The access codes are generally emailed at the end of February / beginning of March each year. Please make sure your email is up to date with the CLRC when your purchase or renew your membership otherwise you will not receive your access codes.
Here is the link to the WorldFengur Manual - everything is described to provide you with an understanding of the system piece by piece.
Read how World Fengur started in Canada:
If you have any questions regarding WorldFengur please contact Lisi Ohm at: lisiohm61@gmail.com

It is now more than 20 years that the global database for Icelandic horses – a cooperation project between the Icelandic Government and FEIF – was opened for public use. From the outset, this extensive database was developed to become the essential tool for breeders of the Icelandic horse and to be a key factor in achieving the breeding goal that was set internationally.